
La Fiebre Porcina

"It is advising all member states to be vigilant for seasonally unusual flu or pneumonia-like symptoms among their populations -particularly among young healthy adults, who seem to be the most affected in Mexico. Officials said most of those killed so far were young adults - rather than more vulnerable children and the elderly."Great. Nothing like a purported pandemic right in my backyard that is more dangerous for young and healthy adults. As I read this quote from today's BBC cover story out loud over a cup of coffee to my colleague, who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, he jokingly tells me, " so those who are of reproducing age are going to die? It is the Apocalypse. It will just be a bunch of young and old fuckers".

Will this blow over like killer African bees or SARS? The media is exaggerating, true, but following the events from Northern Mexico mights as well be China. I have spoken with no friends in the area and imagine it is borderline manic right about now. The Heath Minister said to avoid contact with others. In Mexico City's central district, population 8,836,045? How is that even possible, especially for metro riders, who during peak hours fight their way into female and male designated cars where they resemble the population inside a can of sardines?

I wonder what the usually bustling streets of Texcoco, located about 40 km from D.F., look like on this Saturday afternoon. Are people in masks? Out at all? Tomorrow, will the elderly couples hold each other like courting teenagers as they slowly dance in the Texcoco Zocalo? I finish my coffee, pack for my trip to the Sierra Madre Mountains and hope life is not too different when I return South in less than a weeks time.

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